On this episode of “Death in The Garden” we share our interview with our friend Daniel Griffith, steward of Timshel Wildland, a Savory Hub doing the most incredible work we've ever seen, and author of Wild Like Flowers. We had the pleasure of going to his “farm” in Virginia in April of 2021 to film an incredibly enriching calf-donation that Daniel orchestrated, which you can watch
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#32 Daniel Firth Griffith - Releasing Control…
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On this episode of “Death in The Garden” we share our interview with our friend Daniel Griffith, steward of Timshel Wildland, a Savory Hub doing the most incredible work we've ever seen, and author of Wild Like Flowers. We had the pleasure of going to his “farm” in Virginia in April of 2021 to film an incredibly enriching calf-donation that Daniel orchestrated, which you can watch