What a harmful spoliative abstraction.

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Hey Chance, what are you referring to?

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The televisions replacing glass on refridgerators. I’m sure the harm from this is yet to be realized, aside from wasting more of the harnessable electricity on products and their rights (ex: movement, mitigatable harm) compared to different people.

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Totally, and I really fear what other hair-brained technologies come out that equally have unrealized harms. It also made me wonder what a concept like Jevon's Paradox has to do with it. Because the only way I can imagine this supermarket justifying having these TV fridges is because their energy got cheaper and more efficient.

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The best thing I’ve heard thus far is that we need anti-Jevon axioms and re-axiom the worst of our upheld truths. To sit down and line them all out and say which ones are self-terminating and deadening and which one are abundancing and alivening and work our way through dead zones with these contained relationals

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